About me

I build apps for the iPhone and iPad. I strive for great user experiences that center around simplicity and delight.

Theo and his dog Teek

Form Zap

I am the creator and developer of Form Zap.

Form Zap is the fastest way to fill out PDF forms from your lawyer, therapist, or accountant.

Available on iPhone and iPad. Free.

  • Tap and type

    Just tap on the page to start entering text. Form Zap is built for speed. You're a busy person, and this app is streamlined to let you get in, take care of business, and get out.

  • Undo

    Didn't like where the text landed? Or maybe a typo? Form Zap integrates existing Apple-endorsed gestures for undo. To undo, three-finger swipe from right to left. Shaking also works.

  • Share Sheet

    Use the share sheet to import your empty PDF form to Form Zap. Once you've filled out your PDF in Form Zap, save it, then use the Share Sheet to send it to whoever needs it. Example: send it to your Email app and your completed form will be an attachment.

Download Form Zap from the iOS App Store


Real-time Chat

Built in 4 weeks with Cloud Firestore and MessageKit

Code Deciphering

Built in a day with tvOS and SwiftUI
